Need help?
Create an event
Create an Event
Select who to notify
Select who to notify
Pick your destination
Pick your destination
Events can recur or trigger once
Events can recur or trigger once
Your phone automatically sends a text message when you arrive
Your phone automatically sends a text message when you arrive

You may be wondering, "why isn't this app available for download in an official app store?"  Great question! Google has added policies around sending SMS messages that this app violates because it does not ask recipients to opt in. Thus, it can't be distributed through the app store.

Worried about whether the app is safe to install? Totally valid! There are a number of free online app malware scanners that you can upload the app to and confirm it is safe to install. Here are some:

Plus, your phone will scan the app before you install it if you have a recent OS version. Once you're satisfied and ready to move forward...

Download the app!